Friday, May 11, 2007

Dinner for Thursday, May 11th, 2007

Last night for dinner we cooked up some of St. Louis, MO's finest frozen pizza, Mama Lucia's Meat Lover's Pizza. Orginally intended for a "bachelor's dinner" when my wife was traveling, this pizza was loaded with pepperoni, italian sausage and bacon. Like a true champ, she dove in and ate almost half the pizza with me. Washed down with, yet again, another Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat with Lemon. Added plus...frozen snack size Snicker's Crunchers.


Anonymous said...

Of course your wife dove right in. Mama Lucias is decadent. With that yummy cheese that sticks to your teeth and roof of your mouth, nobody can resist the delightful taste of Mama's complimented with a tasty wheat beer.

Anonymous said...

Your wife sounds hot FatMan. How can we meet her?

Anonymous said...

This is your friends from We realize we now have a competitor. We challenge you to a cook-off, Mr. Fatman.